Only complete your purchase if you agree that you have checked with your Doctor and are cleared for exercise and will consult your Healthcare Team if you have any concerns.

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    Breathe Better Today: Pulmonary Rehabilitation $97 USD
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    $97 USD

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        Sign up & get 365 Days of...

        • A deeper understanding of what Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is and how the correct exercises and breathing will dramatically change your life.
        • The ability to use a pulse oximeter correctly and accurately assess your oxygen levels and heart rate.
        • Templates that capture the information to establish a baseline to see and track your improvements.
        • To learn the vital role that Posture plays in your breathing.
        • A new powerful way to breathe Flow Controlled Breathing© (FCB) created by David Junga, RRT, PAS that will quickly and effectively reduce your Shortness Of Breath.
        • To learn how to combine FCB with walking and climbing stairs.
        • To learn 5 exciting exercise routines and over 35 powerful and effective exercises that will help you breathe better, get stronger and help correct your posture!
        • To also learn how to properly march in place coordinated with your FCB as well as the right way to use your treadmill.
        • Lots of tips, support and accountability inside the private Facebook community, helping you work through the course and finally reducing your breathing problems!